Get the Monkey Off Your Back

My friend owns a business and he's doing fine...except for one thing that keeps happening.
He was telling me that he seems to get caught doing other people's work...other people meaning the team members he hired to do what he used to do.
He reports that they frequently come to him with problems and he feels he always has to solve them!
Business Owner Alert! My friend is allowing his people to take the monkey (the problem) off of their back and put it on his.
He's putting the monkey on his back and thinking it's his job to solve the problem.
And, now that this is happening too often, he is feeling very resentful toward the people he hired to fix the problem.
When this first happened, he thought it was just that he had made a bad hire, the person wasn't as good at the job as he originally thought and eventually, the new hire would catch on.
But then this "monkey on his back" scenario kept happening and now it's a pattern that he doesn't know how to break.
In essence, he has trained his people to bring him problems, put "the monkey on his back," and leave it to him to fix.
My Business Owner friend is a fix-it man.
So many Business Owners find themselves in a similar situation.
Always stuck in the daily grind of their business while the very people they hired to do the job are off doing something else and not taking care of the problem.
It's maddening. And, it has to stop if my friend wants to have a solid business that serves him as well as his clients.
In Leadership Glue: Be the GLUE in Your Business without Getting Stuck in the Daily Grind we address how to get "the monkey off your back" so you can grow your business, have financial and time freedom, and get on to the next big thing you are meant to be doing next.
Get a free sample chapter of the book here: Leadership Glue: Free Chapter: Leadership Glue. Free Chapter Sign-up
Leadership Glue is for you if you want: Less "UGH" and More "WOW!"
>> Less Chaos...More Predictability
>> Less Hours on the Job...More Choice on How to Spend Your Time (Time Freedom)
>> Less Management...More Leadership
>> Less Constraint...More Creative Expression
>> Less Inconsistent Revenue...More Consistent Profits
>> Less Turnover...More Loyal, Engaged Team Members
>> Less Selling...More Prospects Lined Up Outside Your Door
>> Less Rework...More “Measure Twice, Cut Once.”
>> Less Things Falling Through the Cracks...More Communication
>> Less Procrastination and Missed Deadlines...More On-Time (or Early) Delivery to Clients
>> Less Winging It...More Proven Processes/SOPs
The Big Idea for YOU in the Leadership Glue book: As a business owner, True Entrepreneur, you don’t have to kill off your creativity and innovative spirit just to manage a business you might come to resent, get bored with, or get burned out on. You don’t have to get stuck in a business that sucks the life out of you.
(Shiny Object Syndrome and the chaos it brings is exhausting...but its first cousin, Innovation, is the jet fuel that runs in a True Entrepreneur’s veins).
Innovators are better served when they go from Hands ON to Hands FREE to Hand OFF so they don’t leave their business too soon…before their restless creativity takes them to the next big thing.
Stop the chaos of jumping from idea to idea by learning how to roadmap your way to Freedom by reading and implementing Leadership Glue.
Leadership Glue teaches Business Owners how to easily navigate the process of Hands ON to Hands FREE to Hand OFF so they can build their business like a machine that can be run by their trained and qualified team...then they can get on to their next creative expression and make it into another business or extension of their current business.
Be the GLUE in your business without getting stuck in the daily grind.
Get your free chapter of the book here.
And then sign up for THE DEN, our Book Club of Business Owner Peers.
It's time to get you can achieve more in your business and in your life.
Kae Wagner
North Star Marketing
"We help business owners and company leaders understand their markets, their products, and their people. Then we help them fix what's not working."
PS >> Once you've read the free chapter, buy the book here: Leadership Glue. The Book
PPS >> Questions about Leadership Glue? Book a session here:
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